Summary of work

The NBS Worldviews Thematic Working Group aspires to provide an open and reflexive space for diagnosing and critically assessing diverse worldviews underlying urban nature-based solutions in environmental policy, urban planning and design.

Our goal is to offer new pathways for operationalizing relational worldviews in urban NBS design and implementation in the face of rapid environmental change and technological transformations, including smart city agendas. We will achieve this goal through the following two objectives:

  • Identify blindspots, societal and policy risks associated with applying dominant worldviews and the opportunities for incorporating diverse relational worldviews in urban NBS scholarship and practice

  • Build capacity of early career researchers and practitioners in conceptualizing, operationalizing and applying relational worldviews pertaining to SETs couplings in urban NBS.



  • Virtual meetings to follow-up on products: high level synthesis paper, policy brief, art-based scenario building

January 2023

  • In-person Worldview Group Meeting (for paper writing retreat, internal scenario building workshop and other activities)

March 2023 TNOC Event - Implementation of 2 sessions

  1. Session or high-level event “Worldview tinkering for radical future scenarios of urban NbS” (Art-based scenarios)

  2. Session (Pecha Kucha style to present the results of the scientific paper, policy brief


  • Capacity building Workshop “Worldviews and urban NbS” for NATURA


  • Conference

Leadership and of participants

Core Team: Melissa Ingaruca Moreno, Davide Geneletti, Loan Diep and Christopher Raymond

TWG Point of Contact: