NATURA Networks
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Natura Network across the globe
The African Centre for Cities (ACC) is an interdisciplinary research and teaching programme focused on quality scholarship regarding the dynamics of unsustainable urbanisation processes in Africa, with an eye on identifying systemic responses.
Point of Contact: Pippin Anderson
Beyond the Academy is an international network of sustainability researchers united in a commitment to identify and overcome institutional barriers to making universities more supportive of applied interdisciplinary research with real-world impact.
Point of Contact: Bonnie Keeler
The Centre for Urban Transitions investigates innovative planning and governance strategies for creating more liveable, sustainable, equitable, healthy and productive cities.
Point of Contact: Niki Frantzeskaki
The CREATE Initiative advances research and education at the intersection of environment and equity through community engagement, interdisciplinary scholarship, and graduate training.
Point of Contact: Bonnie Keeler
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, formerly the Institute of Environmental Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences founded in 1975, is the first comprehensive research institution engaged in research on eco-environmental science and technology in China.
Point of Contact: Weiqi Zhou
CitiesWithNature is a unique initiative that recognizes and enhances the value of nature in and around cities across the world. It provides a shared platform for cities and their partners to engage and connect, working with shared commitment towards a more sustainable urban world.
Point of Contact: Nikara Mahadeo
Coordinated by Trinity College Dublin, Connecting Nature is a partnership of 31 organisations co-working with local authorities, communities, industry partners, NGOs and academics.
Point of Contact: Marcus Collier
ENABLE aims to advance knowledge of how to design and implement Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) in a way that maximizes its potential to deliver numerous social and environmental benefits, such as social inclusion, health and human wellbeing, stormwater retention and habitat functions. The ENABLE project uses a transdisciplinary approach to investigate the role of Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) in tackling a range of social-ecological challenges facing cities.
Point of Contact: Erik Andersson
Envision is a framework that provides the guidance needed to initiate this systemic change in the planning, design and delivery of sustainable and resilient infrastructure.
Point of Contact: Christopher Raymond
The European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) is a unique meeting place for practitioners, policy-makers, managers, educators and scientists who are active in urban forestry, urban greening and green infrastructure.
Point of Contact: Natalie Gulsrud
eLTER H2020 is a major project that will help advance the development of European Long-Term Ecosystem Research infrastructures.
Point of Contact: Sandrine Glatron
Future Earth’s mission is to accelerate transformations to global sustainability through research and innovation.
Point of Contact: Giles Bruno Sioen
GoGreenRoutes is a €10.5m EU-funded project sowing the seeds for increased nature-connectedness across Europe, Latin America and China. Its multidisciplinary consortium of 40 organisations is pairing participatory approaches and citizen science with Big Data analyses and digital innovation to co-create "Urban Well-being Labs" in six “Cultivating Cities”: Burgas (Bulgaria), Lahti (Finland), Limerick (Ireland), Tallinn (Estonia), Umeå (Sweden) and Versailles (France).
Point of Contact: Tadhg MacIntyre
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development.
Point of Contact: Wolfgang Teubner
ILTER consists of networks of scientists engaged in long-term, site-based ecological and socio-ecological research. We improve the understanding of global ecosystems and thereby provide the prerequisites for knowledge-based solutions to many current and future environmental problems.
Point of Contact: Michael Mirtl
The Intemperie Studio is an architectural studio based out of Guayaquil, Ecuador. This studio focuses on nature and ecological concepts to guide their work.
Point of Contact: Manuel Colón-Amador
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations.
Point of Contact: Loredana Rita Scuto
LTER sites support ecological discovery on the influence of long-term and large-scale phenomenon.
Point of Contact: Marty Downs
We work to integrate the value nature provides to society into all major decisions. Our ultimate objective is to improve the well-being of all people and nature by motivating greater and more targeted natural capital investments.
Points of Contact: Anne Guerry & Eric Lonsdorf
NATure-based URban innoVATION is a 4-year project, funded by the European Commission and involving 14 institutions across Europe in the fields of urban development, geography, innovation studies and economics.
Point of Contact: Harriet Bulkeley
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.
Point of Contact: Anna Bettis
The Nature of Cities is an international platform for transdisciplinary dialogue and urban solutions.
Point of Contact: David Maddox
Oppla is a knowledge marketplace for the latest thinking on natural capital, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions. Oppla is supported by a global community of several thousand members, comprising businesses, policymakers, scientists and researchers, as well as representatives from government and civil society. Membership is free and includes access to a growing number of knowledge platforms and projects.
Point of Contact: Paul Mahoney
The RECNET network comprises more than 60 organizations from 27 different countries, born with the purpose of finding the collaboration of key stakeholders in re-thinking the transformation of cities for sustainable transition to more resilient socio-ecological systems.
Point of Contact: Duván Hernan Lopez
ReNature establishes a nature-based solutions research and innovation strategy and cluster, consisting of practitioners, national authorities, businesses, NGOs and researchers. Activities carried out foster capacity-building and collaboration to mainstream evidence-based implementation of nature-based solutions.
Point of Contact: Mario Balzan
The San Juan Urban Long-Term Research Area (ULTRA) is a long-term network and research site established in the city of San Juan in 2009 by the USDA Forest Service and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to produce knowledge on urban areas and to support policy, education, and local initiatives in order to improve the quality-of-life and environmental conditions in the city.
Point of Contact: Elvia Meléndez
The SMARTer Greener Cities project aims to develop and test novel tools and processes for explicitly converging social, ecological, and technological systems (SETS) approaches for improving life in cities.
Point of Contact: Erik Andersson
Future Position X is a non-profit network organization that was founded in 2006 when regional actors gathered in an initiative for the Gävleborg region to take the position "Sweden's leading geospatial information cluster".
Points of Contact: Henrik Dahl & Per Andersson
The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (UNESCO-SOST) is an international centre of excellence for resilience and sustainability science applied for transformation at local and regional scales.
Point of Contact: Jordi Morató
The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (UNESCO-SOST) is an international centre of excellence for resilience and sustainability science applied for transformation at local and regional scales.
Point of Contact: Jordi Morató
UNESCO European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology (ERCE): Development of ecohydrological biotechnologies and systemic solutions by international cooperation in the framework of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme and European Commission projects.
Point of Contact: Maciej Zalewski
The Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) focuses on integrating social, ecological, and technical systems to devise, analyze, and support urban infrastructure decisions in the face of climatic uncertainty.
Point of Contact: Nancy Grimm
The Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) is a peer-to-peer network of local government professionals from communities across the United States and Canada dedicated to creating a healthier environment, economic prosperity, and increased social equity.
Point of Contact: Kristin Baja
The US Forest Service’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Point of Contact: Sarah Hines
The Urban Biodiversity Hub (UBHub) helps cities around the world to measure and promote their biodiversity and assess their biodiversity strategy. We work with municipal and other local governments and their partners to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their biodiversity planning, according to the goals they set for themselves.
Point of Contact: Jennifer Rae Pierce
The UWIN Network is a consortium of multiple academic institutions and key water industry partners with activities currently in six regions across the U.S. designed to address water challenges in a variety of contexts from coastal communities to high plain deserts.
Point of Contact: Mazdak Arabi
VIVA-PLAN is about revitalising in-between spaces in residential housing areas to promote nature conservation, social inclusion and human well-being.
Point of Contact: Christopher Raymond
The Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research works to increase the internal capacity of Extension programs to address metropolitan issues. We partner with cities, NGO’s, and businesses – connecting our partners with university professionals working across the United States – to develop place-based and data-driven solutions to societal issues. In the past few years, we have focused on urban sustainability and green infrastructure, urban-suburban-rural interdependencies, and creating a culture of health across connected communities.
Point of Contact: Brad Gaolach
CLEARING HOUSE uses trees as a means to improve urban living in both Europe and China.
Point of Contact: Rik De Vreese
The Converging Social, Ecological, and Technological Infrastructure Systems (SETS) for Urban Resilience project is a 5-year initiative to accelerate advances in convergent urban systems science capable of providing cities with the knowledge and methods for building integrated SETS resilience strategies to extreme events, supported by cutting-edge modeling, simulation, and visualization of infrastructure systems. The project will develop and refine an urban resilience conceptual framework to guide an emerging, convergent urban systems science for cities to test and deploy in San Juan (PR), Atlanta, New York, and Phoenix.
Point of Contact: Mikhail Chester
The Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia (the Partnership) is the hub for a “convening for action” network in the local government setting, is responsible for delivering the Water Sustainability Action Plan program through partnerships and collaboration, and embraces a vision for shared responsibility where all the players align their efforts for the greater common good.
KDI is a non-profit design and community development organization founded in Nairobi in 2006 with offices in Kenya, Sweden, and the US. We partner with under-resourced communities to advance equity and activate the unrealized potential in neighborhoods and cities through advocacy, research, planning, and built works. We have been working together with citizens on urban nature, Nature-based Solutions, and Green Infrastructure over the last 15 years through our award-winning Kibera Public Space Project and related programs, and in the last four years have launched a significant program on "Realising urban Nature-based Solutions" (R u NBS?) in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam. We are a team of landscape architects, urban planners, civil engineers, architects, community organizers, and researchers focused on alleviating economic, environmental, and social challenges to enable communities to have a healthy, prosperous, and happy life.
Point of Contact: Franklin Kimiri
The Stockholm Resilience Centre, is a research centre on resilience and sustainability science at Stockholm University. It is a joint initiative between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Point of Contact: Erik Andersson
The wide-ranging and multidisciplinary Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme (ECOENV) investigates the effects of human activity on land and aquatic ecosystems, as well as how these effects are reflected in society. Our researchers are looking for solutions to current environmental problems. Societally, research-based knowledge in environmental sciences can be used to curb climate change as well as foster biodiversity and habitats in support of environmental and human wellbeing.
Point of Contact: Erik Andersson
The MUST project co-creates knowledge to interrelate the needs of humans and other species. The interdisciplinary team brings together researchers from environmental education to human geography, environmental economics, spatial ecology, resilience in urban and regional planning and geospatial approaches, exploring how to change our relationship with nature.
Point of Contact: christopher.raymond@helsinki.fiChris Raymond
SLA is a nature-based design studio working globally with cities, nature, places, and people.
Point of Contact: Alexandra Burgos-Thorsen