Upcoming Deadlines:
RULA-IRES opportunity: deadline passed
NATURA Early-Career Fellowship: — EOD (your local time) Monday, November 11, 2024
Bogotá, Colombia
Call for Applications: Resilient Urban Latin America Research Experience for Students (RULA-IRES)
The Resilient Urban Latin America (RULA) International Research Experience for Students (IRES) project offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to conduct eight to ten weeks of onsite research in a Latin American or Caribbean urban community facing climate extremes. This upcoming project year’s location is Bogotá, Colombia. This research will afford students collaboration and mentorship experiences for conducting research, gaining skills in research design, data analysis and management, and presentation across diverse social and political cultures; project outcomes can be integrated within existing dissertation research. Student participants will also network with members of the NATURA Network through reading group, blogs, and social media.
NATURA Early-Career Fellowship
The NATURA Early-Career Fellowship Program is a paid 6-week and 15-week opportunity for research and networking at collaborating network institutions (click here for participating locations). The goal of the fellowship program is to 1) Provide opportunities for students, early-career academics, and practitioners to explore nature-based solutions for urban resilience by spending time in residence with other networks; 2) Support greater depth of analysis or synthesis by extending time of interaction; 3) Support practitioner-researcher interactions through exchanges among worldwide networks.
Current call for applications
NATURA is accepting applications for (2) 6-week fellowships and (2) 15-week fellowships
Applications must be submitted to natura.net21@gmail.com by EOD (your local time) on November 1, 2024
Please Note: US National Science Foundation requirements will not permit activities that do not include a US-based institution or network (i.e., fellowships involving, for example, two European networks). The NATURA review committee can only consider applications that propose an exchange involving a US-based network (either a US-based fellow or a US-based host) to ensure compliance.
–CLOSED– Call for Thematic Working Group Proposals
NEW: Proposals for TWGs can include funding for an Early-Career scholar in the NATURA fellowship program!
To promote collaboration among network members, NATURA is requesting proposals for thematic working groups. Thematic working groups should seek to advance synthesis on theory, research, and/or best practices related to nature-based solutions across diverse global social-biophysical contexts. Please note NATURA does not support new research. Thematic working groups will be expected to primarily meet virtually. However, thematic working groups will have the opportunity to apply for support from NATURA to host in-person workshops (more details below).
The thematic working groups must:
identify novel, cross-cutting synthesis goals that can be addressed by collaboration of researchers and practitioners across NATURA networks.
be inclusive of a diversity of global NBS networks, researchers, practitioners, and early career representatives
present a one- to two-year work plan and expected products, including but not limited to scientific papers, high-level summaries, policy briefs, new tools, etc
have designated leadership responsible for meeting the group’s goals and reporting to the NATURA Coordinating Committee
To ensure open opportunities for interested network members to join the group, invited thematic working groups will be asked to submit an abstract (<400 words) to be posted to the NATURA website.
Finally, invited thematic working groups will be expected to 1) submit a short annual written report describing synthesis activities and network participation (self evaluation on group’s success addressing the above criteria), and 2) present progress annually during a NATURA webinar or All Hands Meeting.
How to submit a thematic working group proposal:
Interested groups should submit a short (1-2 page) synopsis of the proposed thematic group that includes:
synthesis goals and rationale for new cross-cutting thematic working group
designated leadership and a preliminary list of participants highlighting diversity across networks, disciplines, sectors, researchers, practitioners, early career, etc
a preliminary work plan, including timeline, virtual meetings, in-person workshops, etc
proposed output(s) and product(s)
Proposals will be reviewed by the NATURA Coordinating Committee, who will take an active role in making recommendations for linking in new participants/networks and merging similar thematic groups to reduce duplicated efforts and ensure diverse participation across NATURA. The Coordinating Committee may also invite or suggest thematic working groups. Currently Closed