Organizers: Elmqvist, McDonald, Hillel

Urban science to support the Convention of Biological Diversity

This NATURA Thematic Working Group will for the coming year focus on mobilizing scientific knowledge through a global network of scientists and practitioners present at various sessions/meetings before and during COP15 in Kunming May 17-30 2021, and the associated 7th Summit of Cities and Subnational Governments, and Science Forum/International Conference on Science and Sustainability. We will specifically focus on scientific knowledge relevant to the new CBD goals and targets that are currently under negotiation, and will be adopted at the COP 15. Topics under which we will synthesis knowledge may include, but are not limited to:

  • For countries experiencing rapid urban growth threatening key biodiversity areas, what scientific elements can guide urban planning that achieves multiple goals (biodiversity protection, low-carbon emissions, and ample natural infrastructure for urban residents)?

  • How is access to nature currently inequitable, and what needs to be done to bring the benefits of nature to all urban dwellers?

  • Policymakers in the coming years will be responding to the Covid19 crisis and its economic, political and social aftermath. What does the experience of Covid19 tell us about the importance of urban form and function applying the concept of urban metabolism, and sustainable infrastructure for urban dwellers, both for minimizing transmission of infectious diseases and for providing mental respite during periods of social distancing?

  • Can we include anything at all about teleconnections, footprint, urban-rural linkages and the IPBES nexus assessment for food and health? 

The investigation will benefit from interactions with projects (for instance ICLEI’s IKI Interact Bio in Brazil, India and Tanzania), or network of cities involved in green infrastructure and biodiversity action, such as the World Bank (GPSC) and the Intermerican Development Bank. 


September 2020: 1st virtual meeting with working group members. Set up list of activities we will engage in during COP15 14-30 May 2021 in Kunming China, specifically, ICSS 2021, 5th Science and Technology Forum and the Cities and Biodiversity Summit. Members can participate in CBD Webinars related to the Global Framework and subnational and local action

October 2020: 2nd virtual meeting. Plan an Urban Biodiversity session at the “Young Scholars Day” May 14 in Kunming. Discuss focus and how to engage networks of young scientists from the Global South. Funding for participants available through ICSS 2021 and IFI University of Tokyo. Members can participate in CBD events related to implementation of the Global Framework. 

November 2020: 3rd virtual meeting. Discuss a draft of short science synthesis, to be presented at various sessions at the ICSS 2021, 5th Science and Technology Forum and the Cities and Biodiversity Summit. Participation in SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3

January 2021: 4th virtual meeting on outlining full schedule for the working group members involvement in various meetings at COP15 and finalizing short science synthesis.

May 14-30 2021: Participation at COP15 and associated ICSS 2021, 5th Science and Technology Forum and Summit of Cities and Subnational Governments – publication of proceedings

Leadership and of participants

The team consists of a diverse group of people who have been active in CBD related urban activities and science-policy processes, some recently, some for a long time, and have organized multiple virtual meetings during 2019 and 2020 in preparation for the COP15 meeting. 

Leads: Thomas Elmqvist (Stockholm Resilience Center), Rob McDonald (The Nature Conservancy), Oliver Hillel (CBD-Secretariat)

Preliminary participants: Giles B. Sioen (United Nations University, Future Earth, The University of Tokyo), Melissa A. Barton, Jennifer Rae Pierce and Mika Tan (Urban Biodiversity Hub), Russell Galt and Chantal van Ham (IUCN), Jessica Kavonic and Nikara Mahadeo (ICLEI Africa), Ellika Hermansson Török and Ashanapuri Hertz (SwedBio)

POC: Thomas Elmqvist (