Organizers: López, Feagan, Rodríguez, Berbés, Melendez, Fraser

This thematic working group will investigate the complexity of urban informality to develop appropriate mechanisms for implementation of nature based solutions (NBS), as a contribution to promote resilient futures in response to global change. 

A general hypothesis is that there is negative feedback affecting the efficiency of urban resilience solutions, which is linked to the high informality of global south societies, the high complexity of their biophysical and sociocultural reality, and the limited legitimacy of their institutions. We want to contribute by developing mechanisms for breaking this loop on design and implementation of NBS, promoting, along and through these kind of interventions, conditions for social cohesion, cultural awareness, and collective action.  

We have 3 goals set to moving forward: First of all, to advance in understanding informality. It means to develop diagnostic tools to detect key aspects of informality that can make a positive or negative incidence in the development of resilience processes and, in particular, for implementation of NBS initiatives. 

Second, we want to contribute to improving the implementation of NBS in contexts of informality by analyzing good practices and lessons learned from experiences brought and shared by group members, building up a community of learning and a comprehensive compilation of applied tools and appropriated technologies from real life situations.

Third, we want to learn about and contribute with mechanisms for enhancing governance in the implementation of NBS initiatives. By this goal, we expect to access to different examples of multistakeholder governance, decision making and long term sustainable urban transformations including NBS. 

Our work strategies are based in what we call “Local Labs” and “Innovation Labs”. The Local Labs are conceived to concentrate the research and implementation efforts on concrete spaces of urban conflict, with informality and unsustainability, demanding for the implementation of NBS. The Innovation Labs are conceived as research missions launched widely to involve scholars and practitioners in order to elaborate innovative solutions in front to NBS challenges. 

With a work plan initially strongly focused on local labs in Bogota, Colombia, this TWG is taking advantage of the strong community linkages across NATURA, intending to have a significant opportunity to promote NBS not only in this South American city, but also in dialogue with urban resilience leaders across Latin America, and more widely. For this last purpose Barcelona, where key partners RECNET and UNESCOSOST are located, is offered as an excellent international showcase and meeting point for the global south and its urban informality.

POC: Duván Hernán López (